Re: Inspector responsibilities
We have a lot of jurisdictions in our area (9 locally 25 if you include Baltimore) Some use combo's for residential only, all commercial is single source inspectors. Having been involved in quite a few inspections after completion of the project ( to review projects or resolve problems), I amazed when contractors that are called to task for an improper installation say "WELL IT WAS INSPECTED". In our area the inspectors have a lot to do and in my opinion are overburdened. They try their best, but to expect them to catch everything is unrealistic in a 12 story building. To expect a combo inspector to inspect all trades is IMO foolish and only instituted for cost savings at the expense of safety.
I often think they best inspector would be the contractor that lost the bid. And if he/she made a bad call, they would face the contractor they are inspecting on another project. Of course this is not feasible but.........
I heard at one time (urban legend?) that one jurisdiction could not possible handle all the work they had to complete. What they did was hit 50% of the calls but with two or three inspectors and do a through inspection. You would never know when you might get a sticker dropped off or a through inspection.
I have no problem with inspectors when they know their job, there are a few (1 or 2 among 50-60) in our area that seem to make up stuff as they go along, for most contractors calling them to task can lead to more problems than it is worth, several times we have been hired to assist in educating the inspector, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, the jurisdiction I’m talking about has no REAL appeal system.