I was on a new construction 5 story multi-family apartment complex,(40-60 apartments per flr.)just a few weeks ago. And while walking through the multible floors,I was looking at the NM branch circuits and the SE feeder cables from main disconnecting means at meter enclosers outside to the tennent space load centers, inside the apartments.During the walk, I noticed that none of the NM cable from the house panel (ground level) or the SE cable feeders had any protection provided (334.15 & 338.10(4) for the cable rising from bottom to the top floor.When I seen this, I was kinda shocked.ALL is "Wood" supported structure, slab on grade.The only protection provided for the NM and SE cable between wood floors is a "Cauked-gun fireproofing" at floors.I aproach the "head amigo" running the crew and brought it to his attention, feeling a little "out of place" bringing it up about his work. (none of my affair)But thought it being a issue of cable protection,and a NEC violation.Its not like the cables were comming up in dedicated chases, but rising though the studs between floors.I asked him about his Rough in Inspection, and he said it passed.Said Electrical Inspector said it was "OK" and "wasn't going to hold him to it".Now,I checked back in my book,Art.80.21(c)& 80.13(15)and I must say, I'm confused.This County of Electrical Inspection, is in the Capital of our State.One county from mine, and I know the Inspectors in my county,would never let this fly.This has been eating at me. Wish I hadn't seen it..