Inspectors mistake

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inspector 102

Senior Member
Northern Indiana
While inspecting a service installation yesterday, I did not notice that the installer had removed the screws that attached the neutral bar to the neutral bus running down the side of the panelboard. This was a load side panel and the supply warehouse told him to take the screws out. I verified the isolated ground without a bonding screw installed but never notice the missing screws. When energized, the load center acted as if it had lost a neutral to all circuits ( which of course it had). I spent 45 minutes looking at the service to try to figure out what was wrong before the installer mentioned the screws removed. Luckily this was not a costly mistake, but I was certainly frustrated that I missed the violation and need to slow down on my inspections. Just thought I would admit my mistake since most people think that inspectors are never wrong??????.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Inspectors mistake

Many thanks for sharing the lesson. Let us all hope that our mistakes are few and far between, and that they result in no tragic consequences, and let us pledge to allow others to learn from them.


Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: Inspectors mistake

supply warehouse told him to take the screws out.
:confused: Was this a DIY job?
Certainly not your mistake. Did you bill him for your time? Sounds like a service call. Most inspectors would say call me to inspect when you figure out what the heck you are doing.

[ April 27, 2005, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: electricmanscott ]

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

My mistake for the day was going to work.
I put a new #2 Phillips tip in my screw gun, and slipped off the screw while I was driving it.
Nice big hole to the bone in my left thumb.
Meat and blood everywhere.
It is still throbbing.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Inspectors mistake

Sorry to hear about your pain and hope it heals fast.

I feel as though I need to tell what to do to make it better. I know that this is going to sound stupid but I promise that it works.
You need to pour a little bit of kerosene oil over it and wrap it up in black tape. If it starts swelling then a layer or two of monkey grip will stop that.

Every time that I got hurt like that this is what I always did. It works!!! Every time I did this it would heal in about six weeks if it didn?t get infected. Be sure to keep the tape dry.

Do hope it gets better fast


Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

Inspector 102,

I've done a walk through three times at this building I'm working on. Both of the last two times I found things I didn't see before.

That's why us electricians are supposed to do it right whether you guys look at it or not.
There's no possible way an inspector could find all the stuff that an electrician could screw up.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Inspectors mistake

Originally posted by jwelectric: You need to pour a little bit of kerosene oil over it and wrap it up in black tape. . . . It works!!!
Define ?works.? If success (i.e., ?it works?) is defined by you lived to tell the tale, or that your finger has not yet fallen off, then perhaps I might concede the statement. But I would define success in terms more acceptable to the medical profession. Kerosene is a poison. :D


Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

Gee, when you put like that it doesn't sound like a good idea anymore. :D

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

Well, thanx for all of the kind words and good humor.
JW, I had to pass on the Kerosene and black tape, but it seemed to hurt less after reading your post.
Actually, I had to put 3 stitches to hold it together

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

Yeah. I'm glad it was my left hand, or I would have needed my daughter's assistance. She's 5, but I hope she's a doctor someday :)


Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

Todd I have done that a few times. :p
I now use those "?ICE" drywall bits or equivalent and don't have as much problem with the bit jumping out of the slots but now I have a problem with the bit sticking in the head of the screw instead of staying in the bit holder. :roll:

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Inspectors mistake

The even dumber thing was:
this is a brand new Milwaukee 18v cordless hammer drill that I bought new 3" extention and bits and right there lying in the open case next to me was a brand new 4" screw-holder extention, that I didn't bend over and pick up before I started.


Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: Inspectors mistake

Originally posted by luke warmwater:
My mistake for the day was going to work.
I put a new #2 Phillips tip in my screw gun, and slipped off the screw while I was driving it.
Nice big hole to the bone in my left thumb.
Meat and blood everywhere.
It is still throbbing.
Sitting here thinking "What a dumb move" while looking at my black left thumbnail. :(
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