Where are you working? Not asking yourself this question could prove to be both costly and dangerous. One situation I encounter while making electrical inspections is a journeyman electrician installing electrical wiring in an area that requires a more stringent wiring method. Dental offices and medical clinics are prime examples. I've made electrical inspections of dental offices where the patient care areas were wired with type NM cable... an action which in violation of 2005 NEC section 517.13(a). In other cases encountered, I have found patient care areas in medical clinics and dental offices wired with type MC cable not listed for the application. Special attention to article 517 must be employed when working in these locations. These examples of installations made under improper classification cost the contractor money to rewire and delayed the completion of the projects. Before installing wiring, Ask yourself the question."Where am I working?" In addition, remember to refer to the code article for approved wiring methods for where you are working. If you are not sure of the classifications of a particular area, check with the local authority having jurisdiction. It could eliminate a costly rewire.