installation of non-listed equipment

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I need to install non UL listed computer mainframe. Unit will be hardwired, 4 100a 208 3 phase circuits. Local inspectors have indicated require equipment to be UL listed.
Re: installation of non-listed equipment

Originally posted by errol:
I need to install non UL listed computer mainframe. Unit will be hardwired, 4 100a 208 3 phase circuits. Local inspectors have indicated require equipment to be UL listed.
On what basis have they said this?
Re: installation of non-listed equipment

It depends on where the AHJ is located. For instance in Indiana, the AHJ can require it. The Indiana electrical code has this definition:
"Sec. 10.
(a) In Part 1 of Article 100, delete the text of the definition of APPROVED and substitute to read as follows: APPROVED. Acceptance by the AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION by one (1) of the following methods:
(1) investigation or tests conducted by recognized authorities; or
(2) investigation or tests conducted by technical or scientific organizations; or accepted principles.
The investigation, tests, or principles shall establish that the materials, equipment, and types of construction are safe for their intended purpose."

In some areas, the AHJ can require everything to be listed. :D
Re: installation of non-listed equipment

If Information Tech. Room is being made to meet the requirements in Art 645, then all the Information Tech. Equip. in the room has to be listed as I.T.E. to meet the requirements to take advantage of the modified wiring methods permitted in Art 645

On second glance the Code (at least in 99) does not say all equipment, just that "Listed information technology equipment is installed."

At any rate my guess is this is the code section they are referring to. 645-2(c)
Re: installation of non-listed equipment

errol, I at one time was a rack designer in SV and the caveat for listed equipment was basically rooted to the cabinet and its interface rack structure and instrumentation drawer power strip configurations. Any custom variations required UL, CSA, etc listed or labeled components prior to installation acceptance. Any of this sound familiar?

rbj, Seattle
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