Installation of questionable fixtures

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
Hello, years ago I was on a job in which the owner had some wierd sconces they wanted installed. The journeyman over me told the owner he wouldn't hang them because the fixture was roughly 1" wide, and even more shallow in construction, where would the connections go? (Needless to say the fixture wouldn't cover a cut in box)The owner called our boss and pleaded with him to let us install these fixture, which we did in the end. How would you guys have handled the situation?


Senior Member
Re: Installation of questionable fixtures

I look for the UL sticker if a questionable fixture is given to me to hang. If it doesn't have it then it doesn't get hung. I have had to do this with a few customer's who have vacation home's here, but live in Japan. They bring over fixtures they bought in Japan, that are made for I think it is 80 volts nominal. In your case, generally the maker of the fixture supplies a flat round trim blank to cover the box opening, that goes between the fixture and the box. If this wasn't supplied, then those fixtures probably are in violation of code.
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