installing 3wire receptacles on 1960 home that has 2 wire without ground wire

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Does it have to be G.F.C.I receptacle first and regular 3 wire TR receptacles down stream and A.F.C.I protected or GFCI receptacle only then 3wire TR down stream.
Does it have to be G.F.C.I receptacle first and regular 3 wire TR receptacles down stream and A.F.C.I protected or GFCI receptacle only then 3wire TR down stream.

Your options are:

*gfci/afci (DFCI) breaker, then 3wire recs

*gfci breaker, then obc afci receptacle, then 3wire recs

*afci breaker, then gfci receptacle, then 3wire recs

* obc afci/gfci(DFCI) receptacle, then 3wire recs- this works when the panel won't accept afci breakers.......
If the panel is one that still available or has been absorbed into those that are still available today - you might even consider dual function breaker. If you are doing a panel change as part of the overall project - I'd likely go that route most of the time.
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