Installing a 200A Transfer Switch in existing 200A Service

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Senior Member
If you have an existing 200A service with a meter can an gutter with a 150A panel with main breaker an a 100A fusible disconnect an wanting to install a 200A Transfer switch for a portable 60KW Generator does the transfer switch need to be fusible. I understand that the transfer switch will become the service disconnect an the existing panel an existing disconnect will become a feeder. Just wasnt sure if the transfer need overcurrent protection
If you have an existing 200A service with a meter can an gutter with a 150A panel with main breaker an a 100A fusible disconnect an wanting to install a 200A Transfer switch for a portable 60KW Generator does the transfer switch need to be fusible. I understand that the transfer switch will become the service disconnect an the existing panel an existing disconnect will become a feeder. Just wasnt sure if the transfer need overcurrent protection
There must be a service rated disconnect ether before the ATS or the ATS must be service rated meaning the OCP/ disco. is built in. Your main problem is You cannot use a 200 amp ATS with a 60 Kw generator. That generator is going to have at least a 250 amp breaker in it. The ATS must be rated for the largest amp rating. Unless you install a 250 amp rated disconnect and fuse down to 200 amps before the ATS. After reading your other post about the same subject I see you may be thinking manual switch instead of ATS. If so the same still applies.
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