Installing AFCIs

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We will be rewiring our house,after being prompted by a visit from a relative from Britian,also an EC,who was horrified when he saw that state of our old house's widowmaker panel,open knife switches,fused neutrals,rubber wiring patched up here and there,no grounds on any light cct,bootleg grounds on outlets,no MBJ,dead rats lying underneath the panel,etc,well my girl wants to install GFCIs and AFCI combos on all ccts,called RCD and AFDD in euro babble,familiar with GFCIs,any help regarding arc faults would be much appreciated.
Tek it would help if you punctuate your posts. Now if your house is in that bad a shape I suspect the afci's alone will cause much problems. Not sure of the wiring system you have there but it could be a nightmare
Yeah Iagree with Dennis, To install new AFCI's to protect know wiring problems is like placing band aides all over your body because you might just get cut. '

I think a wiser and more prudent approach would be to install new wiring and panel with new AFCI breakers. You are a Electrician right?, so that should not be such a problem.
We will be rewiring our house,after being prompted by a visit from a relative from Britian,also an EC,who was horrified when he saw that state of our old house's widowmaker panel,open knife switches,fused neutrals,rubber wiring patched up here and there,no grounds on any light cct,bootleg grounds on outlets,no MBJ,dead rats lying underneath the panel,etc,well my girl wants to install GFCIs and AFCI combos on all ccts,called RCD and AFDD in euro babble,familiar with GFCIs,any help regarding arc faults would be much appreciated.
Once you pull out all of the old wiring,and re-wire the whole place The AFCI's(AFDD's) will be a piece of cake..:thumbsup:
All the old wiring has been cut,with the exception a 3 phase 5 core 16mm cable to a 100kVa 415-240-208-120 tx to lots of US appliances we have,temporary power to stove,HWS etc,we use plug in lights,etc,only good thing was the 7wire 600A service,used to run a machine shop at the back of the house,power will be rerun in 6mm romex for power 4mm lights,am stayin home today,watching the cricket,the Brits are killing us.
All the old wiring has been cut,with the exception a 3 phase 5 core 16mm cable to a 100kVa 415-240-208-120 tx to lots of US appliances we have,temporary power to stove,HWS etc,we use plug in lights,etc,only good thing was the 7wire 600A service,used to run a machine shop at the back of the house,power will be rerun in 6mm romex for power 4mm lights,am stayin home today,watching the cricket,the Brits are killing us.

I know you folks down under speak the Queens english or something would you mind translating to the US english.:thumbsup:
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