Installing Panel below Bus-duct?

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Senior Member
Houston, Texas
I'm going to have to install a 400A Panel bellow a bus-duct, is this allowed? Here is a picture:

If you go to NEC 110.26 it talked about clearances. If you further go to 110.26(E)(1)(a) it gives you more of the answer, but the answer to me is very unclear.

110.26(E) Dedicated Equipment Space. All switchboards, switchgear,
panelboards, and motor control centers shall be located in
dedicated spaces and protected from damage.
Exception: Control equipment that by its very nature or because of other
rules of the Code must be adjacent to or within sight of its operating
machinery shall be permitted in those locations.

(1) Indoor. Indoor installations shall comply with 110.26(E)
(1)(a) through (E)(1)(d).
(a) Dedicated Electrical Space. The space equal to the width
and depth of the equipment
and extending from the floor to a
height of 1.8 m (6 ft) above the equipment
or to the structural
ceiling, whichever is lower, shall be dedicated to the electrical
installation. No piping, ducts, leak protection apparatus, or
other equipment foreign to the electrical installation shall be
located in this zone.
Exception: Suspended ceilings with removable panels shall be permitted
within the 1.8-m (6-ft) zone.

Electrical installation as in the buildings electrical or something that I am adding to the building? Idk, it just seams crazy to me. This is like not being able to mount a panel in an electrical room because there is a 1" electrical pipe 4' above coming off a different panel. Idk, just seams crazy to me. The bus duct gap is roughly 2', maybe a tad more, and when I get my panel I assume it'll be roughly 32". I have an ATS going on the side so my line side power is coming in from the side. I'll only have (2) 2" pipes and (2) 1.5" pipes coming in from above. Thanks for your help!
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Other electrical equipment is allowed above the panel. All that you'll need is the minimum vertical clearance of 6' 6" for the panel from the floor.
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