Installing Smoke Detectors

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Senior Member
What are the measurements for installing smoke detectors in bedrooms and dens/living rooms. I know i need to install a smoke in a hallway leading into multple bedrooms, just not sure where in Bedrooms to install smokes. Thanks
What are the measurements for installing smoke detectors in bedrooms and dens/living rooms. I know i need to install a smoke in a hallway leading into multple bedrooms, just not sure where in Bedrooms to install smokes. Thanks

Depends somewhat on which edition of NFPA 72 is in effect in your jurisdiction. Ideally you put the smoke detector in the center of the ceiling. Which is probably where any overhead lights are parked. The detector has an effective "range" of 21 feet, which is also the center of a 30' x 30' square (900 sq ft). So, if the bedroom is a regular square 20 feet on a side, you could draw a square that was 5 feet off every wall and put the detector anywhere on that square (or inside it) and be perfectly covered. Just make sure you are 3' away from any air supply or return registers.
What are the measurements for installing smoke detectors in bedrooms and dens/living rooms. I know i need to install a smoke in a hallway leading into multple bedrooms, just not sure where in Bedrooms to install smokes. Thanks

You have not asked a valid question and as such it does not warrant a valid response.

Read up on requirements for smoke detector placement and then please rephrase your question, if any such question is indicated.
manufacture installation instructions will tell you where you can and can't put them including distances from walls and ceilings. Your best bet is to look at the instructions for proper mount.
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