Insurance for small shop.

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michael nye

I run a 5 man shop including myself, and am trying to provide my own family as well as my employees with some kind of affodable insurance. Is'nt there like a group plan for contractors thats affordable? I am in Northern California.

Re: Insurance for small shop.

your insurance agent should be able to help you out.
For a small shop, you might find it beneficial to offer the emploees a copay amont that you are willing to pay and let the employees get their own policy.
There is an awful lot of paperwork and headaches that goes along with health insurance. Todd
Re: Insurance for small shop.

Thankyou for the responce, I thought, that there might be something through a contractor network that be affordable. I am gettting quotes on line higher deductables but affordable just majior med no frills. My accountant does books for a few contractors and suggest a med account with all of the deductable $ in for my entire family for the year say 5000 and that way the $ is never an issue once its saved.
Re: Insurance for small shop.

We're a union shop and a few years back the union allowed office personnel to join the program, not sure if this was our local's decision or a Union wide decision. For us this was a major savings for fine coverage I would check with ABC or some other association for contractors
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