insurance investigators are they ligit????

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charlie tuna

Senior Member
everytime i get involved with insurance claims it makes me sick to be under the scruteny(sp?) of insurance investigators and/or restoration contractors. first off, the insurance investigators don't have the common sense to even discuss the incident with the electrical contractor. it's like "he may be the cause" or "he doesn't know what caused it". hay, they don't ask --- i don't tell.... and then i read their report and it ain't even close! and then the next thing i hear that some innocent guys getting sued! the restoration people get involved and it's "gouge city". they go way overboard on everything and eventually we are working for them under their contract and that means we are the last to get paid and too many times they want to argue about legidimate costs!!! i am in a fight right now on a $400k claim - 4000 amp worth of switchgear - emergency priority to get it - bank office tower - 380 people out of work - replace the building's entire service and bring it up to todays standards and codes in five days. every day there is a different issue - need cost breakdown--on labor and material invoice?? come on what do they want minutes instead of hours?? or inches of wire instead of feet? and i know the gear price is high, probibly two to three times what it's worth -- but they had to stop normal factory production to ship in two days - who's to say???? i can't argue this point with the manufacturer - they said get the building back on line at any costs and i did. my charges are correct and normal i do not care that it is "insurance money". the insurance company has a restoration contractor overseeing my billing and the guy is totally incompetent. yesterday i sent him a letter and told him that since this job was completed on a t&m contract instead of a "estimated cost to complete" which he asked for, that i thought my costs to get paid should now be included in the job cost! what do you think?
Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????


The NUMBER ONE red flag line to me is, when I say

"do you realize what this is going to cost" and the response................

"It doesn't matter what it cost, just get it done it's covered"

YEAH right try collecting, many times we tell the management companies that have the problems we will do the job FOR THEM. Not the contractor that dropped the wrench (unless we know them) or the insurance company that wants to discount the final bill.

Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????

thats all we heard when the power was off! but it lessens real fast after the building's operating.
it just seam as though the real slimeballs show up around these insurance claim jobs. i once had another contractor call me as he heard we were replacing the bus duct in a twenty-two story building? he asked if i needed help and i told him we were in good shape---i thought well maybe he has some of this busway to sell? "no" he said!
"maybe i could just be your broker" he asked???
Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????

Seems as though, we are to blame for the incident regardless. When responding to these type calls the first thing I ask the owner is, "How much is it costing you an hour to be down? When they answer, I then respond, I know how to proceed." Used to be, I would cut the customer a break on emergency repairs, thinking they would appreciate the good work and then give us the opportunity to do "regular work" service or small project. Too many took advantage of my "kindness" so now days I make my "profit" on the front end of these jobs and should they choose to give us the chance at additional work I work with them then. I've lived through the "insurance investigators/engineers" and agree with you too many don't know hot from neutral, much less cause and effect from say carbon build up from flashover on fuse failure causing board to blow utility fuses...add that with thier "regular electrician, who has the gall to walk into the plant while we are in the midst of cleaning the gear, muttering that there is something bad wrong with the gear...Sheesh, I give professional courtesy to another professional, for those who do not deserve it, I don't even try to explain. Hope it gets resolved quickly for you, and if not you have strong lien laws in your state, strong enough to lock the door to the place.
Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????


I could not agree more. The time to make the money is up front. We get referred customers that need work ASAP, blow up, flood ECT. They are impressed they are eager and happy; getting paid is another thing whether they are responsible for the bill or the insurance company. But during the project we always here boy in the future your our guys. Seldom here from them again.....till the next emergency.
Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????

they (cna insurance) have released to the owner a check for $400k and the owner has released our money except for $50k.. there is a question that sq-d overcharged?? i have looked into this matter, and what sq-d tells me is "nothing" is released about billing or materials on any job without going through the sales engineer or the person that wrote the order! and rightfully so! since nothing (information) has been requested to this date - any question answered is hearsay. now the investigator says "he's in contact with another sq-d supplier who states - the price is high!" ---- but without going through the sales rep's order that only he can release - this "other sq-d supplier" really doesn't know if his statement is "apples to apples"? i know and will admit this price is high, but who am i to ask sq-d what it costs to stop a factory assemby line to produce a special ordered product? two days and they are loading one switchboard on a eighteen wheeler for a straight thru run ot south florida? or pull their field techs off a large industrial job and trailer overnight a bus bending rig. another direct delivery truck with a 380 pound bus stub --- made in a different factory ----tennesee... i am a contractor and i have to somewhat trust my supplier who deals with sq-d everday-------- everyone admits the price is "high" but inline with the situation. now, how can i question that? this restoration owner is working for the insurance company as an investigator - every request for additional information and material breakdowns have been rediculous. and since i've been in business my dealings are usually "alongside" the restoration contractor and usually are more interested in adding un-necessary job costs into the job than saving money! it's like asking the wolf to watch the hen house! and i have had some steaming communication letters sent and recieved some of the same back. i have nothing to hide - my billing is straight forward and i show my markup and am proud of it- we did a great job in a minimum amount of time. the building owner is on our side and completely satisfied with our work.
it's cna insurance and this (restoration) investigator who don't know their job...... but i'll get payed - it's just not fun when you deal with incompentance!
Re: insurance investigators are they ligit????

I don't see how any other SQD supplier, without having the 'known' problems incured with supplying the gear could possible provide an accurate cost for the gear in question. We all see the various suppliers get low on bid day, but overlook one 400 amp 480 volt molded case breaker or need another MCC Size 2 and see if you get it from them at the same price you bought the job for....NOT EVEN CLOSE...Nor could another electrical contractor know what the job cost you in diverted manpower to install the job. So by what means and methods are they determining costs?Bottom line, not only would they be receiving 'steaming' letters, but also additional invoices, for Mangement time spent providing the bogus breakdowns, interest on unpaid invoices @ 1.5 per month...heck may not get a dime addtional, but should it come to court, I believe you would have a greater chance of recovery for the additional costs than they would proving thier story...But then we all know the only people who make money in court, are the lawyers...
Have a good Holiday!

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