Insurance work.....

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Senior Member
Got a call from a neighboor yesterday. Tree blew over, tore down a considerable amount of triplex overhead cable. Runs from house to telephone pole and splits 4 ways to various farm buildings. He said his insurance co. wants a estimate. QUESTIONS...Looking at what he had to begin with, the installation was not to code (no grounds in panels, no EGC ran to subs, ect.) How should I quote this job? I know more work needs done so that the system is correct and safe, but should I seperate that work from the work it would take to replace what he had before the tree fell over??? Does it all go together and go to Insurance Co.??? Should I even consider this as it is a insurance co. job??? (i have heard some horror storys) There are several poles that are needing replaced, should I include that in price??? What would you guys do. I have never delt w/ insurance companys before.....HELP!!!


Senior Member
I have done a lot of work over the last 4 years for a GC who only does insurance claims. Most policies have a code upgrade clause. If so, they are in luck.

What I do is price the job to be put back the way it was, then I price a supplemental quote to do the necessary code upgrades.

By the way, all insurance claims adjusters us similar software (as does this GC I work for) to price their estimate of damage. So, even if the HO does not have code upgrade insurance, you send in your quote to put back as it was, and the HO has to pay for the upgrades out of pocket.


Señor Member
Former Child
I would think its up to the AHJ to decide how this gets pieced back together, but I could be wrong. I've done a couple of insurance jobs where the adjuster just cuts a check to the HO and its up to them to get it put back together however they want, and I've had a couple that wanted a fully itemized estimate for the repair and they would write the check to me.
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