Interactive Start stop button

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Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

Bryan thanks again for your response and compliment.

Bryan I like to draw and make these things in my spare time.I don't try to make them perfect couldn't if I tried.

But after I have invested a few hours making one if I don't post it on here the only person that will ever see it is myself.

Thanks:Ronald :)


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

Ronald, I feel like an idiot. I can't get it to run by either opening or saving it. :)


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

Sam I think you are messing with me.I don't have any idea what you are running.

I assume you are talking about the start stop button?

If you have Internet explorer browser and if the start shortcut doesn't work.

Then click on s1.htm and open it with explorer.

If that works make you a shortcut out of s1. htm.

But wait until you put the start stop folder were you want it before you make that shortcut and use the shortcut there before you copy and paste it somewhere else.

I know you'll try it!! :)


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

No, I won't mess with you until I know you better Ronald.

So I open the s1.htm and get an image that wont go. :)

[ August 04, 2005, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

No Sam Murphy was my Dad thats why it want open on your computer.

You are not running McIntosh are you? If so I don't know a thing about it.Someone else on here I'm sure does.

If you are running INTERNET explorer S1.htm looks just like your explorer shortcut.just try double left clicking on that one that is labeled s1.htm it should open.

Make sure you extract the start stop folder from the zip folder and put it on your desktop before trying anything.


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

I'm using XP Pro. I don't know why but I had all the files present befor unzipping the folder. After actually unzipping them it worked.


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

Sam try this right click on s1.htm scrol around and find Internet exploere and tell it to open with that. :)


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

See Sam I knew you and Muphy where just messing with me :eek:

[ August 04, 2005, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

I didn't have to tell it to open with "exploere", :D , it already knows to use a similar program, :D , on HTML's.


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

Sorry Sam had to go for a ride and get rid of my stress :D :D

You think a fourway is hard to hook you ought to try to make one work with html :confused: :confused:


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

I started playing with HTML a litlle a while back. I don't having any decent references on it so I haven't actually tried making any "programs" with it. I can write my name. :D


Senior Member
Re: Interactive Start stop button

I enjoy it ,when you get 59 or 60 and burned out twice in the Electrical trade like I am and Murphy messing around with you all the time, well you have to find something.It sorta reminds me of basic because it can drive you crazy if you leave a character out that should be there and ain't. :D

See what I mean I have to spell check everything.

[ August 04, 2005, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
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