Interlocking 2 electrical enclosures.

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Enclosure #2 will be supplied from enclosure #1 480vac which also has the main disconnect.

I have questions regarding the door interlocking of thesecondary panel. UL 508A 66.1.3 says the interlocking means shall beprovided with the following:

a) Means to defeat the interlock without removingpower and which requires the use of a tool to operate (I would usea solenoid interlock mechanism like Hoffman PN AEK46 with a AEKDF. Thissection we should be able to comply with easily)
b) Means to prevent restoring of power while theenclosure doors are open unless a defeat mechanism is operated (this isthe section I cannot find adequate devices to fulfill the requirement)
c) Reactivatedautomatically when all doors are closed (the solution for b should alsomeet this requirement)
So, my problem is with section b.
From my understanding of the section, I have surmised thefollowing:

1. The remote panel door, if open, should preventthe disconnecting means on the main sequester panel from moving from the OFF tothe ON position.
2. The remote panel door, if open, should NOTprevent the disconnecting means on the main sequester panel from moving fromthe ON to the OFF position.
3. The remote panel door, if closed, should allowthe disconnecting means on the main sequester panel to move from the OFF to theON position, provided all other doors are closed.

My question is, how do I do this?:?

IMO, you are fine with a solenoid type device on the remote panel.

Note that the way the text is worded you cannot restore power. Once you use the defeater device to open up the second enclosure, the power is still on, so restoring power is a moot point.

Incidentally, IIRC, this section only applies to control panels for industrial machines so if it is not an industrial machine as defined by UL it would not matter at all.
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