I been called back to a house three time now because of a loss of power on one circuit.
Here is what I know:
I'm at the point to start looking for a loose neutral or a back-stabbed receptacle with a poor connection.
Are there any suggestions or thoughts on the breaker or the best way to hunt for a loose neutral?
Here is what I know:
- Every time I leave the house the circuit is working.
- The circuit originates at a FPE box (circa 1958).
- The original 20 amp breaker was never tripped but the power was loss.
- I've replaced the old breaker with a new breaker.
- Within the panel, the breakers position was moved.
- The circuit includes, kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
I'm at the point to start looking for a loose neutral or a back-stabbed receptacle with a poor connection.
Are there any suggestions or thoughts on the breaker or the best way to hunt for a loose neutral?