Intersystem Bonding Termination (IBT)


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Scenario, service replacement no existing IBT. Meter>EM disconnect (not service equipment)>panel (service equipment). Meter and EM disconnect on the outside of the house service panel on the inside in the basement. Existing Verizon FiOS ONT installed adjacent to the panel. New IBT installed above panel connected to ONT. Is an IBT required also outside adjacent to the EM disconnect? I'm looking to ground an outdoor roof TV antenna and it's required to go to the IBT which is inside. {810.21(F)(1)} It seems silly to run the bonding jumper into the house.
While I think the code should require the IBT to be outside, it does not do that. It requires it to be at the service equipment OR at the metering equipment. That leaves the choice to the installer.
While I think the code should require the IBT to be outside, it does not do that. It requires it to be at the service equipment OR at the metering equipment. That leaves the choice to the installer.
I agree. The current location is code complaint but I don't see why it should be required to now run the conductor back inside of the house when it can be connected to the GEC for the ground rods which is already outside of the house.
Does the code forbid two (or more) terminals?
I don't think so which is one solution. I was just wondering why it's required to run the bonding conductor into the house to hit the IBT when the electrode (ground rods) and GEC are already right there on the outside and can easily to be connected to.