I work in an industry where at common hazardous location rating is Cl I, Div 1, Grp C & D, and Cl II, Div 1, Grp E, F & G. A vendor's product was marked when used with appropriate I.S. barriers met only Class 1, Div.1; Group C & D requirements. I inquired about the Class II, Div 1, Grp E, F & G approval certification. The vendors response was, "Qualification for a rating automatically qualifies the equipment for a lower class and group. For example: Class I equipment can be used in Class II and Class III applications with no restrictions. "
I do not believe this is correct so I'm looking for a confirmation and/or explanation. I have always looked for explicit Class and Div ratings for all apparatus that was not a simple device. I know that Div 1 approved devices may be used for Div 2. But I do not believe Class I automatically qualifies as Class II.
According to NEC 70, 500.8 (B) (1) "Equipment shall be identified not only for the class of location but also for the explosive, combustible, or ignitible properties of the specific gas, vapor, dust, or fibers/flyings that will be present."
Also, under 500.8 (C)(1), "Class. The marking shall specify the class(es) for which the equipment is suitable."
Based on my understanding, the vendor is incorrect. Please provide your opinion based on the code.
I do not believe this is correct so I'm looking for a confirmation and/or explanation. I have always looked for explicit Class and Div ratings for all apparatus that was not a simple device. I know that Div 1 approved devices may be used for Div 2. But I do not believe Class I automatically qualifies as Class II.
According to NEC 70, 500.8 (B) (1) "Equipment shall be identified not only for the class of location but also for the explosive, combustible, or ignitible properties of the specific gas, vapor, dust, or fibers/flyings that will be present."
Also, under 500.8 (C)(1), "Class. The marking shall specify the class(es) for which the equipment is suitable."
Based on my understanding, the vendor is incorrect. Please provide your opinion based on the code.