I Phone app
I Phone app
I'm starting to write the iKnow NEC 2008 app. It looks like the NEC code is broken down into bite sized articles that you could fit easily in a screen. Plus the NEC code is ripe for drill down queries.
Then I want to throw in ElectriCalc functions on top of that based off the table data. However most programmers don't understand how wiring is done, I do. You want to be able to add different size conductors on conduit fills, and many other features that most electrical calculators don't have, and if you could upload the data, and generate a BOM it would be sugar on the cake.
The real question is how much would it be worth, to a contractor. I was thinking of splicing the content up into chapters like the NEC code is and charging $15.00-$30.00 per chapter, if I could get the publisher of the NEC code book to agree to the pricing, and related tables.