IS a energised permit required ?

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Senior Member
When doing a generator test underloaded conditions where the electrical service [switchgear] is being supplied with electrical power from the generator and back to utility power is this considered energised work and is a permit required as per 70e 2009 0r 2012 ?
Gen is started by a selector at a transfer station and everthing is auto after that underload or offline. nothing exposed .
This is different from normal operation of loads how? The issue with energized work permits comes to play when you are exposed to the hazards of energized parts.
For me it not clear as to what can be done. Could this be interacting with equipment ? I don't know. Could the switchgear main cb need to be manually closed if the motor failed to close cb. I am thinking about ifs that might not happen i know . My training never talk about gens which i see now i should have spoken up about. Thanks for the replys guys.
"Interaction with equipment" is something that determines when you must wear arc flash PPE, not necessarily use an EEWP. There are many tasks that may require arc flash PPE but not require a work permit. A EEWP is required only when doing "Energized work" per the 70E definition.

Of course, your plant may say otherwise and have more stringient EEWP requirements than the 70E requires.
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