Is a water heater an appliance?

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NEC 422.31 (B) States that appliances over 300VA must have a disconnect within sight. Is a water heater an appliance?
Re: Is a water heater an appliance?

JeffBen said:
NEC 422.31 (B) States that appliances over 300VA must have a disconnect within sight. Is a water heater an appliance?

Yes, here is the definition from Article 100:

Appliance. Utilization equipment, generally other than industrial, that is normally built in standardized sizes or types and is installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more functions such as clothes washing, air conditioning, food mixing, deep frying, and so forth.
I would say no, only because I have 2 years appliance repair and I never worked on a water heater. An electric water heater with heating elements seems like it would be considered an appliance. We as appliance repairmen would be able to fix or replace, but most homeowners call a plumber,not a appliance repairman. Here, in dwelling units most water heaters are located in the basement in sight of panel. :D
chicar said:
I would say no, only because I have 2 years appliance repair and I never worked on a water heater.

I would say Yes--NEC 422.31 (B) States that appliances over 300VA must have a disconnect within sight. Water heaters are directly referenced in Article 422.
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