The light outside doesn't need to be on a back-up system in most cases
raider1 said:Actually if the building requires two exits then the exterior lighting at the exit dischage needs to have emergency power. This is a building code requirement, what I have referenced comes from the IBC 1006.3 #4. Local requirements may differ.
Also remember that 700.12(F) requires that if you use unit equipment to meet the emergency requirement, then the unit equipment be fed from the same branch circuit that feeds the normal lighting in the area. There is an exception for areas that are fed from more then 3 circuits.
Two exits? You might be confusing this with exit sign requirements.
If you're governed by the IBC, Chris is correct.
sparkie001 said:[edit] The trouble is, they include the outdoor path "to the public way" but don't define what that is.
In the 1997 UBC which we're on it does have a definition of public way. There is also an exception that alllows you to go to an area of safe dispersal. I don't have my UBC here at home or I'd give you the location.