Is anybody familiar with these?

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I am thinking of purchasing an HID circuit tester. Is screws into the lamp socket of the HID circuit up to 1000 watt. It indicates if the ignitor is bad, or the ballast is bad. How about the capicator? Has anyone had any experience with these? Is it worth having before I spend $170+
My town's electric department uses one of those to test street lights. For my own work, I just try a lamp. If that doesn't work, it's getting a ballast kit. I never replace pieces and parts of the ballast assembly. Ignitor today, ballast transformer tomorrow, capacitor next week. Best to go with the kit, I say.
I am not familiar with it, but the best testing tool I have found is a known good lamp. If a good lamp doesn't work, chances are the igniter is at fault. It's been my experience that a ballast seldom fails.
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