Is bonding bushing requirement from AHCA in every conduit in electrical panel?


Senior Member
Hello friends, we're in FL and this's surgery center brand new construction with 2 electrical panels:
-Normal branch 120/208v, 3phase, 4w+egc
-Critical branch 120/208v, 3phase,
My question is:
1. The feeders have bonding bushig installed, but what about the branch circuits conduit, is AHCA requirement to install bonding bushing in every 3/4" conduit that come out from the panels? I've a friend saying no because they built similar surgery center and they pass ahca inspection, I'm trying to find or buy some book o manual with electrical standards from AHCA because is important to get and pass the final inspection in healt care facilities but unfortunately Idk where to get it or is this type of inspection depends
To the personal opinion or criteria to the AHCA inspectors.
Can some expert guide me in this matter and if electrical requirement from AHCA are available where to buy or how to get it?
Thanks in advance and I appreciate some help
AFAIK AHCA is using the FBC which uses the NEC. With that said I have found that some inspectors for agencies like AHCA make up their own rules.
As far as your question, the NEC does not require grounding bushings to meet branch circuit wiring for 517.13 (A)
Thank you roger and is right that branch circuits conduits doesn't require bonding bushing per NEC, but the thing is if every AHCA inspector make their own rules and they inspect at 80% when everything is almost done, who can stop this anarchy type of inspection?
Hello friends, we're in FL and this's surgery center brand new construction with 2 electrical panels:
-Normal branch 120/208v, 3phase, 4w+egc
-Critical branch 120/208v, 3phase,
My question is:
1. The feeders have bonding bushig installed, but what about the branch circuits conduit, is AHCA requirement to install bonding bushing in every 3/4" conduit that come out from the panels? I've a friend saying no because they built similar surgery center and they pass ahca inspection, I'm trying to find or buy some book o manual with electrical standards from AHCA because is important to get and pass the final inspection in healt care facilities but unfortunately Idk where to get it or is this type of inspection depends
To the personal opinion or criteria to the AHCA inspectors.
Can some expert guide me in this matter and if electrical requirement from AHCA are available where to buy or how to get it?
Thanks in advance and I appreciate some help
There is not a book or manual. AHCA will require grounding bushings on every conduit entering the isolation panels in the operating rooms, but not on the regular panels throughout the space. There is a code requirement for that, I believe.

Roger is right, but AHCA is capable of making some very strict albeit questionable rulings even though they are "code". The worst one recently is accessible in regards to VAV units.
There is not a book or manual. AHCA will require grounding bushings on every conduit entering the isolation panels in the operating rooms, but not on the regular panels throughout the space. There is a code requirement for that, I believe.

Roger is right, but AHCA is capable of making some very strict albeit questionable rulings even though they are "code". The worst one recently is accessible in regards to VAV units.
Thank you for your response and that is something to take care in OR.
Again thanks for all inputs in this matter.