Your first statement is exactly correct.
And I'd say a facilty requiring 5-10 acres of land would be sizable enough for an amenable AHJ to allow multiple feeders.
5-10 acres is not large for a livestock facility these days, although not much 547 applications are inspected here, the ones that are would AHJ would not call a facility that small large enough to justify additional services - unless there were a need for high capacity like multiple 2000 amp entrances. You want large 547 applications, I can show you cattle operation structures that are right about 1/2 mile long. They are each served by 277/480 at opposite ends with a 1/4 mile feeder from each way, and taps every so often to supply 480 x 120 transformers to supply heaters in drinking water tanks and a HID luminaire near vicinity of each tank.
Farrowing facility has a lot of load in farrowing rooms, where heat lamps are in heavy use. But that is probably only about 1/4 to 1/3 of the facility. The rest of the facility has relatively little load in comparison because they don't use heat lamps in the rest of the facility. Just somewhat minimal lighting, ventilation, feed and water systems. The rest of the facility is breeding and gestation areas, mechanical room, and a small office, break room, shower room, and that is about all there is to most of them. One I do work in is probably on only about 10 acres of land, the building is not 10 acres it sits on 10 acres. It has "wings" with open spaces between "wings" for air flow, fire separation, and other reasons. It is supplied by 600 amp 120/208 volt. Not sure just what total load for the entire facility is. There is an identical facility just a few hundred feet away, but it is served by an additional 600 amp 120/208 supplied by a different POCO transformer.
They are in a way a little like a small industrial plant as far as wiring goes, just not so pleasant smelling as some plants.
Still better than the receiving area of a dead livestock rendering plant. I have not worked one of those, but have known people that did work in such places, they have electric powered machines and automation and need electricians too.:happyyes: