Is it a commercial space?

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Senior Member
I got a call today from a woman who is interested in converting a bedroom in her house to a small salon. The house is in an area that is zoned residential, but the city does allow houses in such areas to operate home-based businesses as long as they meet certain requirements (basically, it has to be a low-impact business that doesn't alter the residential character of the neighborhood).

She needs some electrical updating if she's going to make the salon happen, and I was wondering if the wiring work would be considered commercial and thus restrict the wiring methods I could use.
Re: Is it a commercial space?

I would think that it should not make any difference but only your local authorities know for sure. The first thing to do is find out what is required to get a business license for site. I did one where the fire marshal wanted exit sign and emergecy light. But they still wouldn't issue a business license because these people were convicted felons . Can't open a " massage parlor" with a criminal background so they turned psychic and started reading palms. The local authorities will have the last word on anything you do, so that's the first place you go.
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