Is it time to ban electricity from pools?

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Water and electricity don't mix?

Hmmm. Time to ban garbage disposals, washing machines, dishwashers, ice makers in fridges, whirly-pools, electric water heaters, well pumps.......
I'm seriously thinking about just banning it from pools. The public would understand and so would the rest of the world (ie water and power do not mix). I mean its a knee jerk response on my part fueled by emotion, but this has to stop happening.

First of all, the article never mentioned "pool" or "water". It said it was a handrail. That handrail could have been on steps, or surrounding an exibit, who knows. They didn't go into details other than "botched wiring". Probably wasn't GFCI protected either.

So when did you become the "Czar" over pools that you would have the power to ban anything?
It's sad for victims but it's not always the fault of the water or electricity. They need to look at the installers and their methods most of the time.
First of all, the article never mentioned "pool" or "water". It said it was a handrail. That handrail could have been on steps, or surrounding an exibit, who knows. They didn't go into details other than "botched wiring". Probably wasn't GFCI protected either.

So when did you become the "Czar" over pools that you would have the power to ban anything?
It's sad for victims but it's not always the fault of the water or electricity. They need to look at the installers and their methods most of the time.

I assumed pool based on the comments bringing it up below. That and Mike posts about marina and pool electrocutions frequently. My bad for not re-thinking them.

As I said its more a knee jerk emotion that I think the code need to consider banning electricity around pools in that it happens all to often.
So when did you become the "Czar" over pools that you would have the power to ban anything?
It's sad for victims but it's not always the fault of the water or electricity. They need to look at the installers and their methods most of the time.

Pool/marina electrical related incidents statistically present themselves as a substaintial problem Bill
In fact, it's newsworthy almost weekly, along with it's very own org's>


along with our trade's very own bureaucracy toddeling along>

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