Is it true you can buired a t-fitting underground?

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Senior Member
I'm running IMC underground for landscape lighting 120v. And I was told instead of stubbing up two 90's, use a t-fitting underground. Is this true? I thought it had to be accessible? Thank you.
What is that rumor? An urban (big O; big B) legend? Definitely not true. NEC314.29 "shall be installed so that the wiring contained in them can be rendered accessible without removing any part of the building or, in underground circuits, without excavating sidewalks, paving, or earth, or other substance..."
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that way you could make some money. sell it outside the door on weekends at bigos and bigbees. :) you could do flea markets, and fall festivals, too...
... I thought it had to be accessible? ...
It does...
314.29 Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Handhole Enclosures
to Be Accessible.
Boxes, conduit bodies, and handhole
enclosures shall be installed so that the wiring contained
in them can be rendered accessible without removing
any part of the building or, in underground circuits, without
excavating sidewalks, paving, earth, or other substance that
is to be used to establish the finished grade.

Exception: Listed boxes and handhole enclosures shall be
permitted where covered by gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive
granulated soil if their location is effectively identified
and accessible for excavation.
Yet another reference to the Urgan Legend Electrical Code.

I should be writing these down so I can publish it.:)

Absolutely you should be writing these down.

Living/working in NYC I hear all kinds of Urban Legend Code items.
(Also, local inspectors here seem to have their own internal code not
supported by NEC or NYC Amendments.)
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