Is NM cable allowed in a 3rd story condo unit?

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Chris Rudoph

New member
I am trying to estimate a partial electrical rewire of a condo unit (approx 1000 sq feet) built in the 1960s.It is on the top (3rd floor) of a condominium complex and presently uses EMT.The ceiling and interior(wood studs) partitions are dry wall,with wood roof trusses above the ceiling.My question is, can I use NM cable in this application or does it have to be MC?
I looked in the 2008 NEC appendix E for the Class construction and I suppose it might be III or V.
I'd check with the AHJ, the age of the building may affect it's "fire rating" construction. Ultimatly you want to have this conversation, with the AHJ, before you do the job,not after.
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