I need to install a feeder conduit which will be permanently submerged in a lake. Conduit to be Schedule 80 PVC, conductors will be 4/0 Copper. Article 682.14 talks about Equipment, not feeders. Therefore, I don't' necessarily feel that the Flexible Cords and Cables listed for "W" or wet locations (as referenced back to Table 400.4) would actually apply. Is building wire listed for "wet" locations acceptable such as XHHW-2 or THWN-2 acceptable? Alternately, is something like Submersible Pump Cable necessary? My Source of electrical supply is on shore. Termination will be above water-line at a permanent pumping "platform" located about 500' from shore. Pumping Platform will supply a Municipal Water system. Installation will be a single pull from Dry-Land to Dry-Platform using sweep elbows.