After having received and read the changes to the 70E, I thought I would come proud to the game. My Supervisor informs me its not in affect yet. Ok, I assume the company most likely does not wish to spend the money on the new PPE requirements yet. Then, He states most companies don't follow the 70E requirements because OSHA is the law and its requirements are all which are required to be followed.
I have been to 70E training 3 times. I thought I understood the following to be correct: "OSHA directed the generation of the 70E. The 70E is not the law but the minimum standard to which electrical safety must be practiced." This is supported by the forward in the 09 70E with one execption... It does not say OSHA has accepted the 09 70E.
Do OSHA CFR's contain anything which accept any version of the 70E?
I have been to 70E training 3 times. I thought I understood the following to be correct: "OSHA directed the generation of the 70E. The 70E is not the law but the minimum standard to which electrical safety must be practiced." This is supported by the forward in the 09 70E with one execption... It does not say OSHA has accepted the 09 70E.
Do OSHA CFR's contain anything which accept any version of the 70E?