2- Generators. Short circuit current flow from a generator is limited by thegenerator impedance and the circuit impedance between the generato r and the fault.The magnitude of the generator fault current depends on the armature and fieldcharacteristics, the time duration of the fault, and the load on the generator
.2- Motors. Synchronous motors appear as a source of generation during ashort circuit, with the current magnitude limited by the motor impedance and the circuitimpedance between the motor and the fault. Induction motors also provide short circuitcurrent, but the current supplied decays faster than with a synchronous motor
.2- Transformers. Supply transformers are not sources of short circuit current,but they have a significant impact on the magnitude of short circuit current supplied to afault location. The transformer impedance will function to limit the short circuit current,but the short circuit current available at the transformer will be magnified or reduced inaccordance with the turns ratio as it passes through the transformer.
2-4.2.2 Short circuit current from the above sources varies with time; not a ll sourcescan sustain the peak short circuit current. Instead, the short circuit current available inthe system reaches some peak value and decays over the next few cycles to a smallersteady-state value. With time, the short circuit current provided b y rotating machinesfalls to zero as they brake to a complete stop. Short circuit current is modeled as afunction of time by three distinct impedances:?Subtransient reactance (Xd'')-- the effective reactance defining the short circuitcurrent during the first few cycles after a fault occurs. Use this value in all shortcircuit studies.?Transient reactance (Xd')-- the effective reactance during the period after the firstfew cycles up to about 30 cycles after a fault occurs. Use this value in voltageregulation and stability studies.?Synchronous reactance (Xd)--the effective reactance after a steady-state conditionhas been reached. In terms of short circuits, steady-state conditions occur severalseconds after the fault occurs
.2-4.3Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical Current.2-4.3.1 Include the effect of asymmetric current in all short circuit studies. Normalcurrent is symmetric about the zero axis. S hort circuit current tends to have symmetricand asymmetric behavior. The degree to which the current waveform is asymmetricaldepends on when the fault occurs in relation to the voltage waveform peak or zero, andthe proportions of resistance and reactance in the circuit. If a short circuit occurs in aninductive reactive circuit at the peak of the volta ge waveform, the resulting short circuitcurrent is completely symmetrical as shown in Figure 2 -2. If a short circuit occurs in thesame circuit but at the zero of the waveform, the resulting short circuit current will becompletely asymmetrica