Is there a WP Romex connector?

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Senior Member
Southern NH
Have two floodlight fixtures to mount - one in the front over the garage door, the second lighting up the back deck. Both are under a nice 24" overhang.

Going to enter in the back, where the WP round boxes to the soffit. Is there a WP connector for Romex. Wasn't planning on running UF cable as the Romex will not be exposed to sunlight, etc. - as it is buried behind the box. I've been solely commercial, until just recently - so I'm still learning the differences in methodology and materials in commercial versus residential. In commercial, this would have been roughed in with EMT or Rigid.


bjp_ne_elec said:
Have two floodlight fixtures to mount - one in the front over the garage door, the second lighting up the back deck. Both are under a nice 24" overhang.

Going to enter in the back, where the WP round boxes to the soffit. Is there a WP connector for Romex. Wasn't planning on running UF cable as the Romex will not be exposed to sunlight, etc. - as it is buried behind the box. I've been solely commercial, until just recently - so I'm still learning the differences in methodology and materials in commercial versus residential. In commercial, this would have been roughed in with EMT or Rigid.



Romex is not allowed in damp location.If the romex is entering thru bottom and actually in the sofit then normal romex connector be ok
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Jim - your point is actually my concern. The WP box is obviously spaced slightly away from the soffit, so would that knock Romex out of the running. My plan was to come directly in to the 1/2" threaded hole in the back of the WP Round.


There's really no need to have a weatherproof connector in the area behind the w/p box if that area is dry. However, if it will make you feel more at ease you can use a w/p UF connector. I believe Carlon makes a plastic one. It's a 2-part connector (similar to an EMT compression fitting) with a gland that will clamp down on the wire when you tighten the threaded portion.
Goldstar - thanks - that's really what it's about - making me comfortable. I tend to "over Engineer" things - and as far as moving from being a Journeyman to a Contractor - I need to work on that. It comes down to profit, but I'm also not taking any short cuts.

My thought was it's probably fine - and I don't think an inspector would have an issue with it. The great think about this forum, is it's loaded with some sharp guys, and it's pretty handy to be able to see how others handle a particular situation.


This is just one man's opinion. A WP box would only be needed if the area were a damp or wet location. Romex is not permitted in damp or wet locations. I have heard some argue that the inside of the WP box stays dry so Romex is OK. The fact is that the inside of WP boxes rarely stay dry. Even though the conductors in Romex are basically THHN/THWN, it contains PAPER that can wick moisture into the cable and eventually back to the source.

I say if you NEED a WP box, then no romex.

busman said:
This is just one man's opinion. A WP box would only be needed if the area were a damp or wet location. Romex is not permitted in damp or wet locations. I have heard some argue that the inside of the WP box stays dry so Romex is OK. The fact is that the inside of WP boxes rarely stay dry. Even though the conductors in Romex are basically THHN/THWN, it contains PAPER that can wick moisture into the cable and eventually back to the source.

I say if you NEED a WP box, then no romex.


I and (probably a lot of) the electricians on this site regularly use WP boxes and NM in combination on a installation of this kind.
IMO...if the cable enters the back of the box (between the box and the house), Romex and a regular Romex connector is OK. I usually bury the (exterior) connection in silicone caulking before I attach the box to the house.
I've never been hit doing it this way.
I would question using a UF connector with NM cable. Is the connector listed for use with NM cable?
Is this approach legal? Use a very short nipple into the threaded hole on the back. Then, put a RMC coupling on the end of that nipple. Finally, put a romex clamp into the other end of the nipple. This is assuming the romex connector is now in the wall so its not in a wet area (only the coupling and nipple are).
suemarkp said:
Is this approach legal? Use a very short nipple into the threaded hole on the back. Then, put a RMC coupling on the end of that nipple. Finally, put a romex clamp into the other end of the nipple. This is assuming the romex connector is now in the wall so its not in a wet area (only the coupling and nipple are).

Yes but i think thats over kill.If i am paying for the material it gets cheap romex connector and some silicon.What is above sofit is not damp location and the silicon solves the 1/8 inch gap.We do the same on bell boxes for outside receptacles.The inside of the bell box is dry or it served no purpose to begin with.
The way I see it, above the soffit is no different than an attic, just as under a finished porch is no different than a crawlspace.

We're certainly allowed to use NM in attics and crawlspaces. (One county here requires UF under finished porches, another doesn't.)
I agree with Jim & Hillbilly,

The cable entering the center back of a surface WP box hanging on the underside of a dwelling eave is dry and doesnt need a weatherproof connector. . .if the cable is NM, the paper inside the sheath is going to wick water through a WP connector anyway.

I think the more important issue presented by the situation is the oversized hole needed for the connector and the fact that many, though not all, WP boxes stand off from the surface just a little bit.

I prefer to use a generic NM clamp, threaded two screw die cast clamp, with a donut of duct seal about the clamp. As the WP box mounting screws pull the box to the surface, the duct seal blocks the ways for six and eight legged critters from gaining access.

As for the NM and "dry location". . .how is running NM to a jbox mounted in an exterior wall behind a surface mounted decorative luminaire any dryer than a duct sealed entry into a WP box under an eave?

The inside of the recessed jbox in the wall is going to get the same dews and damps.

My experience is that NM in both locations with regular connectors is common practice.
Jim W in Tampa said:
I would not hire you if you waisted my money like that.Follow code yes but over kill cost money.

OMG am I saying this? I agree with Jim on this. LOL

Every time I see crap like that its a tell tale sign someone doesn't know how to read the code, so to make sure they over kill the installation.
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