is there anything wrong here

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copper chopper

Senior Member
I havent done this till lately and it has me wondering if it was legal or not. in a 1200 amp I- line panel I ran out of spots on the ground bar, so I put 4 equipment grounds on the nuetral bar. is there any code article that states I cant do that?????? if so please let me know.
To add to the above post, it depends upon where the main bonding jumper is as well as the main service breaker, if there is a service disconnect ahead of this panel then you can not use the neutral bar for equipment grounding conductors, you do know that most equipment grounding bars allow at least 2 conductors under each terminal, so they can be doubled up if the instructions on the label in the panel allows it, the only bar you are not allowed to do this is the neutral bar (408.41)
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