Is there Spacing from power nm cable to CATV cable?

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Athol, MA
I have had a few inspectors tell me that nm romex cable and CATV cannot be run through the same boared hole in wood. I understand that the code allows this installation. Would this be 820.133A2 exception 1? I always have inspectors say to me that CATV cable must be spaced 2" from power. Just want to make sure I am sending them to the right article .Thanks
No space required by the NEC, run in the same hole if you so choose. The 2" separation is generally quoted as the requirement to keep them separate but that spacing is for conductors not cables. NM cable is a cable so no separation required.
The spacing requirements might be required by the municipality. If that's the case, you have to space them accordingly regardless of NEC standards (which is an amendable minimum).

There's at least one municipality in my area where I've seen it fail.
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