Is this 1 unit or 2?

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Senior Member
Should I run 1 or 2 15 amp circuits?
I am asking cause my boss is on vacations.


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I'd vote (1)
Looks that way to me too. One 15A 3-phase circuit. They may have several contactors in it for some reason, but the number of fans visible is consistent with the nameplate value for one unit. (Not quite sure where they are hiding the third fan, but....)
If you run two circuits you will need two disconnects at the unit and the internal control circuit will probably be fed by one of your circuits. If you lose the circuit that feeds the controls. both units will be non-functioning. I think, based on the nameplate, you could make a case for a 110.3(B) violation if you ran two circuits to the equipment.
Remote condenser

Remote condenser

Typically the older units would have had a terminal block feeding both those contactors.
Heatcraft appears to have gotten cheap and they are expecting you to jumper for the line feeds.
I would call and ask them whats up and note the response you get.
You might be amazed at what kind of people are drawing paychecks these days and exactly what they do for such.
You might be amazed at what kind of people are drawing paychecks these days and exactly what they do for such.
I hear that on some of my inspections :D
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