ISA Level 1 CCST (Certified Controls Systems Technician)

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St.Louis MO
Industrial Maintenance Electrician
Curious if anyone from this forum is familiar with or has aquired this cert.? Seems like a high level accredited program. I am not as strong in the instrumentation field as i am electrical but am always interested and learning. Our main Process Engineer just left and i have been asked to help more on the instrumentation/process side of things. This company is smaller than most so the PE did most of the instrumentation and contracted all calibrations out. (No instrument techs). Looking at other courses and training through ISA to prep for this certification. Any feedback appreciated!
Yes I was a ISC Level 3 CCST. Its a well respected certification program. If they are asking you to help more than that means training they should pay for. Join the ISA. find a class somewhere and get signed up. Join your local ISA section and go to meetings. I got a lot of cool tours, Boeing 777 in flight test, steam plant, co gen plant, WWTP, maintenance facility for light rail. I went to the national ISA show once, it was huge. I worked in water and wastewater I&C, most of the show products were new to me.
Also the ISA has some good books on instrumentation. with your membership you get discounts
Also being a CCST requires continuing ed, which can be attending meetings, classes etc. Plus you get a cool patch
Seems like the level 4 requires 12 years experience
Thanks! I looked into quite a few of their training boot camps and online courses. Tuning Control Loops, Advanced instrumentation troubleshooting, they even had a Extreme Insrumentation which was supposed to be geared towards electrical guys entering instrumentation. I saw a level 1-3 didnt know they had a 4th. I definitely plan on joining and yes, my company will pay for all of it. The main issue is the class dates/availability. Alot of the courses say "not offered at this time". But i will just take them as time and availability allow. Always learning, always grinding:cool:
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