Isolated Ground Transformer

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I need consulting on how to terminate a Isolated ground on a 3 phase 480 - 120/208 step down transformer
You connect it the same way you would a non-isolated ground, at the source there is no difference between these two items.
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Is it terminating in a panel? If so at the panel you install an IG ground bus with a separate IG conductor back to the transformer X0.
Seems to me that this would be correct if the system bonding jumper is made at the transformer. If the system bond is at the panel then the OP could just install the IS ground bus to the neutral bus in the panel.
Agreed. But I was just saying if the system bond was at the panel instead, then the isolated ground would stop at the panel.
You're correct it can be done either way although I've never seen the SBJ anywhere but at the transformer.
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