Isolated Ground

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Inactive, Email Never Verified
It's not uncommon to need an isolated ground for a receptacle, but with the all the different wiring methods what is the best way to run them.

I've seen it done many ways, the most common WAS running emt and pulling a green wire. Now, with MC dominating the field that changes. I've seen a 3-wire MC run and tape the red green. I don't like that. I've used Health Care Grade MC, which has a redundant ground, but it's expensive. Another way I've run it is using emt and changing over to flex and running the seperate ground. I'm working for a new company now and just wondering how other people do it. I liked using the redundant ground MC, but is it cost effectice?

Let me know what you think.
I prefer type AC-HCFC cable which has one less conductor to terminate or MC-ap with an insulated EGC for the same reason.
I've used MC-AP, but I didn't know they made it with an EGC. When I tried ordering it from my wholesaler, they didn't carry it. Is it special order or just have to find it?
It is very uncommon to need an isolated ground for a receptacle.

Agreed. I think a lot of engineers and equipment makers have come to the realization they are of very little use and quit specifying them.

I've used MC-AP, but I didn't know they made it with an EGC. When I tried ordering it from my wholesaler, they didn't carry it. Is it special order or just have to find it?

Try a different wholesaler. It is not uncommon. Nearly every supply house should stock either AC-HCF or hospital grade MCAP.
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