Isolated neutral kit for building disconnect

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Year 3 Apprentice
First time poster, long time lurker.

In a bit of a weird spot right now on a side job. Started this side job with a close friend and got it to about 80% roughed. Long story short, he took his own life before we could complete. Permit was pulled under his step dads master license, needless to say he's got a lot on his plate and I don't want to bug him more than I have to. Just trying to button this place up and move on.

That all said, my question is about using an isolated neutral kit for a single phase 200amp non fused eaton disconnect.

We were working on a farm building where the customer wanted to add a caretakers apartment for his son. The building originally had a 100amp overhead service, that is still connected at this time. We upgraded the building to a 200amp service with provisions to bring it up to 400amp total in the future. We set a pole mounted service about 100 feet from from the existing building, right next to the power companys pole and transformer. It will feed over head into a 200amp meter main. From there it transitions to underground conduit. Where it enters the building, we set a 200amp non fused eaton disconnect before feeding a 200amp main breaker "shop" panel. From there we are subfeeding a 100amp panel in the caretakers adu. Neutral is bonded at the pole mounted meter main where we have two ground rods sunk. We pulled 4 wire feeders to the shop, and sunk an additonal 2 ground rods which are tied into the 200 amp shop panel. We did not finish any terminations since the pin adapters were on back order.

Is there any need to use the the isolated neutral kit on the buildings disconnect or can I just feed it through?
First time poster, long time lurker.

In a bit of a weird spot right now on a side job. Started this side job with a close friend and got it to about 80% roughed. Long story short, he took his own life before we could complete. Permit was pulled under his step dads master license, needless to say he's got a lot on his plate and I don't want to bug him more than I have to. Just trying to button this place up and move on.

That all said, my question is about using an isolated neutral kit for a single phase 200amp non fused eaton disconnect.

We were working on a farm building where the customer wanted to add a caretakers apartment for his son. The building originally had a 100amp overhead service, that is still connected at this time. We upgraded the building to a 200amp service with provisions to bring it up to 400amp total in the future. We set a pole mounted service about 100 feet from from the existing building, right next to the power companys pole and transformer. It will feed over head into a 200amp meter main. From there it transitions to underground conduit. Where it enters the building, we set a 200amp non fused eaton disconnect before feeding a 200amp main breaker "shop" panel. From there we are subfeeding a 100amp panel in the caretakers adu. Neutral is bonded at the pole mounted meter main where we have two ground rods sunk. We pulled 4 wire feeders to the shop, and sunk an additonal 2 ground rods which are tied into the 200 amp shop panel. We did not finish any terminations since the pin adapters were on back order.

Is there any need to use the the isolated neutral kit on the buildings disconnect or can I just feed it through?
Way I see it, it would need to be isolated, being you already have a 4 wire feeder and main bond back at the pole (service disconnect).

Sorry for your loss, sad to hear.
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