Isolated Power in OR's

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
In an OR, utilizing IP panels, I have always run the conductors in XHHW to lessen leakage current but I'm being told that I should run RGS in lieu of EMT, presumably also to reduce leakage current. Is this a best practice. Will it result in less leakage current?
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this same person is advising me to run ground conductors to loads not fed from the IP panel including the exam light, and to non electrical loads such as medical gas and vauum outlets. Just curious if this is code required, a good idea (it strikes me that it is at least that).
The person saying this is remembering how things were done in the days of flammable anesthesia, which was the original reason for Isolated Systems. The benefits these systems offered as electrical safety to a patient on the table was a bi product.

NFPA 99 and 70 still mentions flammable anesthesia because of some third world countries still using it.

XHHW in EMT is fine and bonding devices and fixed electrical equipment is all that is required.

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