Isolation Panels: required?

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Electrical Engineer
Are isolation panels required by code in a hospital's operation room according to NEC? The project I'm working on is a renovation of a hospital that was constructed 40 years ago with isolation panels in OR rooms, so I'm wondering if these are still required.
Yes, that article is from 2007. The OR room I am working with is a delivery / cesarean room - I doubt that this is considered a "wet" location, what do you think?
Isolated power systems are not required by the NEC but in some states they are. I think in your state of Florida they still are.
Isolated power systems are not required by the NEC but in some states they are. I think in your state of Florida they still are.
The project I am working on is in South Dakota, do you know if they are required there?
IMO, if the newer codes apply, it's a wet location unless the facility jumps through hoops to show its not.
NFPA 99 2012 changed all operating rooms to WET - requiring GFCI protection. You can obtain GFCI protection via GFCI or Isolation Power System. To declare the operating room DRY - a risk assesement must be completed by the hospital. (This is typically done by procedure and would limit the room to only dry procedures if declared DRY).

Isolation Power Systems are required when lost of power is not acceptable since ALRAMS instead of trip.
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