It never ceases to amaze me...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
Received a call to look into why the receptacle behind the stove quit working. Thought I would remove the receptacle to see if there was a loose connection, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear...


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To make it worse some one spent more time and effort cutting the back and sides of the old work box than it would have taken just to move the box up now that you know where the water line is. At least I hope it's water. I have seen plenty of gas lines in copper:confused:
This must be the same house where the kitchen light goes out when the toilet is flushed.
To make it worse some one spent more time and effort cutting the back and sides of the old work box than it would have taken just to move the box up now that you know where the water line is. At least I hope it's water. I have seen plenty of gas lines in copper:confused:

I'm going to guess they forgot that the plug would be behind a stove and when they cut the hole they panicked and tried to avoid having to cut another hole.

Behind the stove, no big deal. In the dining room with velvety wallpaper...big deal.
When they seen there mistake why didn't they just turn the box sideways

Yeah, that's a very good solution in this case...hopefully there's an inch or two of slack...but if not, just drop the box down a few inches below that pipe.

Maybe they saw that there was another pipe just below this one.

Where there's a will there's a way, but it seems senseless when looking at the pic in the OP.
We need to stop and just be thankfull that most on here are smarter than the guy that installed or should i say tried to install this.
What gets me is that they said it quit working.
Reminds me of a service call i ran couple years ago to a large discount store (wont give it name) ticket says sign wont turn on. Typical call where you wish you had a helper. After checking out electric room and timers i crawl threw trusses,over beams,looked like jungle. This is in summer on hot day in FL. Yep it dont work, not even wired. Turns out sign was removed after hurican damage, built new store front and just mounted sign. No wires or nothing. Why don't they try telling what they know upfront.
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