Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

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Senior Member
I have a few jacuzzi-s to wire up (bid work)in the near future. The motors ARE metal, the supply H20 is metal as well but the jacuzzi-s lines are plastic. These tubs are in SFHs..have the rules changed as per 2005?
(I haven't purchased the 2005 yet, nor taken the course - and 2005 is yet to be accepted/law yet...TMK - to my knowledge - in NJ, I just need my bid to be right).

The jacuzzi specs state a #8 ground, folllowed by "as per NEC", so I am a bit gray here. Regardless of when NJ adapts the 2005 NEC...what does 2005 NEC state on this? ( Code #'s are fine, I have a link to NFPA - ok, I'm a bit tired from the 90 condos and it is a Saturday night - a little help?)
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

You need two components in order to bond anything, since the act of bonding is electricaly connecting two objects. The two objects that 680.74 specifies bonding are (1) metal water piping systems, and (2) grounded metal parts in contact with the cirulating water.

We are not positive if you have item number two or not, but you already said that you don't have item number one, because your water lines are plastic. With that being said, you need not do anything at all, because you don't have the two components that you are required to bond together.
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

I assume by Jacuzzi you mean bathtub, as in hydro massage tub?

Ryan, he does say the water feed lines are metal.

I doubt the instructions intend you to "ground" with a #8. I'll bet they mean the bond.
If this is a typical tub requiring a 20 amp GFCI circuit, a #8 ground is absurd.

If all this is true, then you simply need to connect a #8cu solid from the lug on the motor to a bond clamp on the cold water feed. Easy as that.
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

(I haven't purchased the 2005 yet, nor taken the course - and 2005 is yet to be accepted/law yet...TMK - to my knowledge - in NJ, I just need my bid to be right).
NJ will adopt the 2005 NEC in April of 2006. This will allow all electrical contractors to complete their code review classes and renew their licenses. Don't forget that besides the 10 hour of code and law update you will need 24 additional hours of continuing education classes completed by March 31, 2006. Without the 34 hours you will be in jeopardy of losing your license.
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

680.74 Bonding
All metal piping systems and all grounded metal parts in contact with the circulating water shall be bonded together using a copper bonding jumper, insulated, covered. or bare not smaller than 8 AWG solid"

Since the piping on the unit is plastic and the water supply lines are not in contact with the circulating water you need do nothing.

That's how I read it. Anyone else see it this way?
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

Under the 2002 code (as Celtic is until April), the pump motor must be bonded to the cold and hot water pipes supplying the tub.

Once they are under the 2005 code, then Scott is correct. If the stars align and you happen to deal with a tub with metallic piping in the tub itself, you would need to ensure that those pipes are bonded to the motor, and that is all. No connection to the metal piping supplying the tub (H & C) is required. :)
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

"...the pump motor must be bonded to the cold and hot water pipes supplying the tub."

680.74 Bonding.
ALL metal piping SYSTEMS, metal parts of electrical equipment, ...

Not only the hot and cold water (metallic)piping, the drain pipe as well (if metallic).
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

Good catch on the 2002, Pierre. I wouldn't have thought of it (unless, I guess, I saw one in the flesh).

A metal drain would even fall under the 2005 revision, IMO. :)

We always see PVC around here, so I guess I wouldn't have to worry about it.
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

The area I work in has been slow to go to PVC, but we are seeing more and more each month.
We still see a lot of cold and hot water copper, and waste/vent in pvc.
I have seen the flexible type of cold and hot water, and I like it.
Re: Jacuzzi under 2005 NEC

I'm interested in how PEX will stand up in the long haul. It has a good reputation, but many new things have a good reputation until houses start burning down, or flooding. :D
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