Journeyman's License

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Hi everyone, My husband is a journeyman Electrician in Texas. We are hoping to move to Florida soon, our son is stationed there in May port and we want to go to Jacksonville to live. Right now my husband is working nights other wise he would be asking the question but, I was hoping someone could help. Will his Journeyman's license be good in Jacksonville, Florida? Any help would be appreciated.
Florida does not have a statewide Jmans license, most areas do not require anything beyond the qualifier for the company.

IOW's, your husband's wage will be based on his experience, knowledge, and ability.

Florida has county journeyman and master licenses that are awarded by county and recognized statewide. It's the contracting licenses that need to be from each county or statewide. It's called a competency card. As long as he has the appropriate documentation he will have to pay the fees and take the test. Once he has a card from one county most counties will recognize it. There are a few that will require him to take their test. But if he has the card a contractor is going to see it regardless of county.

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