Junction Box as Pull Box or conduit body

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Los Angeles
Is metallic one gang junction box (like sigma box) used as a conduit body to help pulling wires straight through EMT conduit required to be grounded?
The J box has a green ground screw for grounding conductor. Can I run my ground wire (like the hot and neutral ) straight through without having to cut the ground wire and then spice with a pigtail wire from the ground screw? Thanks.
See 250.148.

As long as the box is bonded via the EMT anyway, you are only required to bond the redundant wire-type EGC to the box if you are otherwise splicing conductors in the box.

Cheers, Wayne
I agree the box is grounded via the emt. If you don't trust the emt then you could just strip a small section and install a short piece of wire to ground using a split bolt connector
Thank you Sirs. Great. I just read 250.148 and it talks about splicing conductors in the box which I am not. My terminal J Boxes are to be grounded to the Green screw. I am only afraid that the Inspector would want me to ground the pull J box and then I don't have enough length to make the splicing. In that case, I shall leave a small loop length for the ground wire in the J box so that I can use a split bolt connector to ground it when The Inspector required it as Dennis suggested.
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