Junction Box Considered Raceway


Is a junction box considered a raceway? We failed an inspection because we ran our service wire through a Jbox into a transfer switch and then out of the transfer switch through the same Jbox to the interior panel. The inspector cited 230.7, but I did not think a jbox classified as a "raceway". By definition a raceway is a "channel". If so, then would that mean disconnects, transfer switches and breaker panels would all be raceways and not be code compliant? If you know a code or case to cite for me, please do. TIA.
230.7 NEC 2023 Circuit conductors other than service conductors, shall not be installed in the same raceway, cable, handhole, enclosure, or underground box as the service conductors.

I would think he is talking about the enclosure.
No a junction box is not a raceway. Article 100 definition:
Raceway. An enclosed channel designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted in this Code. (CMP-8)
Informational Note: A raceway is identified within specific article definitions.
230.7 NEC 2023 Circuit conductors other than service conductors, shall not be installed in the same raceway, cable, handhole, enclosure, or underground box as the service conductors.

I would think he is talking about the enclosure.
Your quote is not correct. If it was, you could never install a service panel as the panelboard is installed in an enclosure. The code language says "handhole enclosure", not "handhole, enclosure".
230.7 Other Conductors.
Circuit conductors other than service conductors, shall not be installed in the same raceway, cable, handhole enclosure, or underground box as the service conductors.
Do you have any info on: Informational Note: A raceway is identified within specific article definitions. Looking for the "specific article definitions". Thanks again!
In the 2020 and older codes, the definition is in the xxx.2 section of the raceway articles. For example:
358.2 Definition.
The definition in this section shall apply within this article and throughout the Code.
Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT).
An unthreaded thinwall raceway of circular cross section designed for the physical protection and routing of conductors and cables and for use as an equipment grounding conductor when installed utilizing appropriate fittings.