Just a question

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Senior Member
Can a new forum be started for technical questions, troubleshooting, ect instead of using this forum which is for the daily chores of "Running a Business"?

I think it would make it easier and more formatted to read and give input.
This forum as it stands has 1/2 of it content regarding what the new forum would be utilized for.

bigjohn67 said:
Can a new forum be started for technical questions, troubleshooting, ect instead of using this forum which is for the daily chores of "Running a Business"?

I think it would make it easier and more formatted to read and give input.
This forum as it stands has 1/2 of it content regarding what the new forum would be utilized for.


All in all, this forum is used what it was intended for. I, myself am lucky to be a member. I do mainly maintenance/troubleshooting work on machinery. This is an NEC based forum. It's either up to code or be censored. I have gained quite a bit from these guys, and I haven't had to read the "bible" through and through. What I love are the debates.


I have learned so much from you guys and continue to, I just think it can be better organized for a technical forum stand point.
Technical forum

Technical forum

The thing I love about this forum is that it covers so many different aspects of the electrical field. I am confronted every day with a wide varriety of problems: code, trouble shooting, installation,buisness,etc. This forum is my one stop shopping center for all things related to my profession. Sometimes you have to dig a little but I've found that if you ask a question you will recieve plenty of help forum the members. :smile:
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bigjohn67 said:
I have learned so much from you guys and continue to, I just think it can be better organized for a technical forum stand point.

I tend to put troubleshooting Q's in "Electrical Calculations/Engineering" - Certain types :roll: tend to hang 'round in that end of the pool hall who find 'technical' Q's more interesting - Unlike the NEC forum which is more heavily trafficked, but tends to be more more Code Book Thumpy about stuff......

In this area of the forums you'll most likely get answers to troubleshooting that consist of "Replace new and Bill for your time" EXAMPLE

In the NEC Forum you'll most likely get.... [moses] "It is written in the 'Book of Code' - that it was done wrong in the first place and should be removed and replaced as new..." [/moses]

There are also those who believe that troubleshooting can not be taught, and who's answers are very similar to above....
e-great moses quote!

To the OP, I would think no matter what forum you post in for trouble shooting you'll get an answer. May not be the one you want, but it'll be an answer.
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