220.54 Electric Clothes Dryers — Dwelling Unit(s). The
load for household electric clothes dryers in a dwelling
unit(s) shall be either 5000 watts (volt-amperes) or the
nameplate rating, whichever is larger, for each dryer
served. The use of the demand factors in Table 220.54 shall
be permitted. Where two or more single-phase dryers are
supplied by a 3-phase, 4-wire feeder or service, the total
load shall be calculated on the basis of twice the maximum
number connected between any two phases. Kilovolt-amperes
(kVA) shall be considered equivalent to kilowatts
(kW) for loads calculated in this section.
220.55 Electric Cooking Appliances in Dwelling Units
and Household Cooking Appliances Used in Instructional
Programs. The load for household electric ranges,
wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, and
other household cooking appliances individually rated in
excess of 13⁄4 kW shall be permitted to be calculated in
accordance with Table 220.55. Kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
shall be considered equivalent to kilowatts (kW) for loads
calculated under this section.
Where two or more single-phase ranges are supplied by
a 3-phase, 4-wire feeder or service, the total load shall be
calculated on the basis of twice the maximum number connected
between any two phases.